Join us as we launch into a new chapter of our adventure with an All Age Gathering at 11am followed by burgers, drinks and ice cream.

All are welcome.

Messy Church

Messy Church is for families and others.
It is a space for all ages, based on creativity, hospitality and celebration.
Still not sure what that means?
Come and find out.

Confirmation 22

We are having a confirmation service on Sunday 6 November at 7pm.
If you are interested in finding out more (like what is confirmation?) come to the information evening on Sunday 18 September.
The minimum age to be confirmed is 14, but there is no upper age limit.

CAP Money Course

The CAP Money Course is a free course that will teach you budgeting skills and a simple, cash-based system that works. In just a few weeks, you will get to grips with your finances so you can budget, save and prevent debt.

Whether you feel pretty organised or whether it’s like a lucky dip every time you try to withdraw cash from your account, the CAP Money Course will help you take complete control of your finances.

Starting on 27 September for three weeks.

Living Room Church

Over July and August we have a space that is a laid-back home-from-home, with comfy seating, some toys and pre-organised activity packs for children up to about Year 5 and the morning service live-streamed to the big screen – just like being in your Living Room.

Just go straight ahead instead of turning left when you come into the main entrance and there will be a host to make sure you know where everything is.


A big party to bring in the summer with an all age gathering (11am) followed by a big family picnic in the sunshine.

There’ll be bouncies and barbecue and pizza (and maybe chips) and bikes and more.

Bring a blanket or chair and join the fun.

All are welcome.

Easter Vestry 2022

The annual Easter Vestry was held on 2 April 2022 in Belvoir Parish.

You can find out all the info about it below.


You can listen to Adrian’s report here.

Or watch it here.

Or read it here.


The summary of accounts for 2021 can be found here.


The wardens and select vestry were appointed/elected.

Church Wardens
Wendy Boal
Eric Hudson

Glebe Wardens
Richard Rea
Ken Wilson

Select Vestry
Carson Bell
Ken Boal
Alan Brown
Dawn Brown
Tracy Haylett
Helen Livingston
Stephen McKinty
Krystal Mohn
Jude Murphy
Chris Scott
Gordon Smith
Marion Thompson

Thank you to all who have been elected and for those who have given of their time and effort in the past.

Transfiguration Sunday

Belvoir Parish is also known as The Church of the Transfiguration so we like to do something special on Transfiguration Sunday.

Morning Gathering

We will have a guest speaker at our Morning Gathering at 11am. Elaine Pentland who is deacon at Willowfield Parish will be joining us.

A version of the choir will return with (hopefully) a bit of a bigger band.

We will be “launching” the details of our Lent programme.

Kids Gathering (pre school to Y5) and Hybrid (Y6 to Y9) will be running from 11am.


After the Morning Gathering we will be having lunch for all the people who have joined us in the last couple of years. Food will be provided and we will be in the hall, but bring a picnic blanket.

For catering purposes please let us know that you are coming and if you have any dietary requirements.

Evening Gathering

We will be gathering at 7pm for a time of worship and reflecting on the Bible.

11-16s will be gathering in the Family Centre.


Hybrid runs each Sunday as part of our Morning Gathering at 11am.

After around 10 minutes with everyone together the young people between Y6 and Y8 will gather for a time of fun, games, chat and more.

For more info email