Registration is open

Registration to General Vestry

Registration is open from now until Sunday 20 February at 12:30pm for membership of the General Vestry.

This is a key part of the governance of a parish.

Those listed as members are entitled to vote at the Easter Vestry which is effectively the parish’s AGM.

If you are: 

over 18 yrs of age; 

and a subscriber to parish funds 

we would love you to consider playing your part in the life of the parish by becoming a member. 

To become a member you need to download, print, fill-in and return a Form of Declaration before Sunday 20 February. Forms are also available from the welcoming team at any of our gatherings.

If you live within the Parish, complete this form.

If you live outside the Parish, complete this form.

If you don’t know if you live inside or outside the Parish or you aren’t sure if you are already registered as a member, just email us.

Morning Gathering

There are different ways to join us on Sunday morning at 11am and you can choose the option that works best for you.

In Church

In the Living Room – Sofas and coffee tables for a more informal setting to join the service on the big screen. This might be preferred option for families with young children but is open to anyone.

On Facebook – live stream on Facebook from anywhere in the world and chat with others who are gathering virtually.

On Catch Up – if you can’t make it in any of these ways on Sunday morning you can catch up through the week. You can watch the service later on Belvoir TV through Facebook, the Website and the App or you listen to the sermon on Belvoir Podcasts in the same places or wherever you get you podcasts from.

It’s for everyone

All are very welcome to join us at our Morning Gathering whatever age you are, whether you are a regular church goer or haven’t ever been there will be a friendly face at the door to welcome you and point you in the right direction.

We all join together for tea, coffee and juice at the end.


On the second Sunday each month we will celebrate communion at our Morning Gathering in the church and the Living Room.


According to the dictionary a transition is “the process of changing from one condition to another, or the period of time in which this happens”.

Remembering way back to the first lockdown… everything was locked down!
In some ways it was easy to accept and put up with (well, there was no other choice).
But remember the strains and the arguing when we started the transition from lockdown to limited restrictions.
Why are they allowed to open their shop?
What are you all doing on the beach?
Why can you visit that nursing home but not this one?
The transition is the time when comparisons are made, and apparent injustices occur.
Grace was in short supply along with wood and foreign holidays.  How would we ever survive?

The Belvoir transition:
“We should not so much be consumers of our future,
as shapers of our future”

(Michael Wardlow).

Belvoir rose from the rubble thirty years ago after a bomb blast that forced this church to re-think its future.  The very rooms and access were re-shaped, the furniture and the colours were transformed.  The style was renewed, attitudes were re-formed, people found new seats and new ways, and a new era of life and vitality was born.  Thank you to all who were part of that transition and the thirty years in between.

Transition is upon us once again.

Overnight our way of being Belvoir was cancelled and 18 months later we are being encouraged to find ways back into life (although we discovered many new ways during lockdown, and these are now part of both our new present and our future).

One of the most obvious transitions is the options for joining in worship and prayer together.  None of our services can ever look just like it was two years ago.  At every service, in any week, we try to use the same theme, make the same announcements, share the same news etc so that every service is a genuine moment when Belvoir as a church worships together.

The week begins with the phoneline on Monday morning.  We continue on Thursday.  The church is open from 9am for prayer with our service at 11.30.  This includes a fortnightly communion service.  Sunday morning is at 11am and is shared around three rooms, main church, family centre and the main hall (Primary School children have their own programme in there).  Sunday evenings is at 7pm and alternates fortnightly between live and Desert Island Discs (click on website link).  On the live weeks we are in two rooms – 11 to 16s in the family centre and a different style of service in the main church: both at 7pm.

There are plenty of options and all are carefully choreographed for safety.

The Select Vestry, since September, has a new sub-group called “Spaces”.  The task is to connect with everyone who uses the buildings and outside spaces with the hope of finding out three things –

  1. What are the spaces being used for, and when and for how long?  We  want to be using the best spaces at the best times and in the best ways.
  2. What can we improve about our spaces?  Is there access from the outside?  Are the toilets easy to get to?  How can they be equipped for the best use?
  3. What possible uses might there be in the future, both inside and out?  What will Belvoir church look like in the next 25 years.  What will we be using the spaces for?  We live in a fast-changing world; shopping, education, health, everything is re-shaping to fit the needs and demands of our society.  Church is no different and we too are looking at ways the wider church is responding to society and what that might look like on the ground (literally) right here in Belvoir.

The Spaces group will hopefully be reporting to Easter Vestry next year so put that in the diary!

Belvoir Parish Choir

Starting Wednesday 17 November from 8-9pm in the church – all spaced out and safe!

The aim is to get people together who would like to sing; so a great opportunity for anyone who has been part of the choir before, anyone who has ever wanted to be in a choir, or anyone who wants to sing and meet new people.

See you there.


Brownies meet every Monday from 6:30 to 8pm in the Family Centre (use main entrance).

It is open for any and all girls aged between 7 and 10.

We would love to see you there.

Belvoir Lights

Everyone is welcome to join us for Belvoir Lights on 31 October at 6pm.

We will have fires, smores, sparklers, hot chocolate, a light trail, music and more.

On a dark night we celebrate light.

Bring your friends and wrap up warm.

Half Term Hang Out

If you have care of kids of primary school age or below, come and hang out with us on Tuesday 26 Oct for a half-term doubleheader.

Not only will we be celebrating the launch of our Toddlers group, but older children are invited to come along too for games, Just Dance and Hallowe’en fun.

Our Toddlers group will continue to run every Tuesday morning from 10am – 11.30am.