Desert Island Discs

Desert Island Discs (Belvoir-Style) is running on alternate Sunday evenings.

A willing victim gets stranded on our (strangely well-equipped) desert island and gets to choose one book, one movie, one song and one verse to keep them company.

Click Here to join. (Passcode is belvoir)

Watch previous episodes below

Harvest Appeal 21

Our Harvest Appeal this year is pants.

We are looking for new socks, pants, boxers, bras, vests, hats and gloves that can be distributed to refugees and asylum seekers by All Nations Ministries. All shapes and sizes, young and old, male and female.

Over the next few weeks you can “drop your pants” in the trolley in the foyer and we will gather them all up and pass them on to All Nations. Or if you would prefer to give a financial gift towards this just mark an envelope or bank transfer for “Harvest Appeal 21”.

You can find out more about All Nations Ministries here or talk to David Maganda or Helen Livingstone on Sunday.

The Expedition

The Expedition is for those in P6 and P7 and it runs every Sunday as part of our Morning Gathering at 11am.
After around 10 mins the kids and youth leave for their programme.

The Biggest Story ( leads our children on an exciting journey through the Bible, from the garden of Eden to the return of Christ. Together, we will walk through the Old and New Testament, we’ll learn about new and amazing parts of the Bible, and fundamentally, we’ll see each week how those stories relate back to Jesus.

The Biggest Story has been produced by Crossways, and is full of the most beautiful, rich and colourful illustrations. Each week there are animations and crafts to help us learn and understand, as we tailor the lesson to both Ramblers (Pre-Y5) and The Expedition (Y6-Y7).

If you have any questions email

Burgers and Bouncing

As part of our gatherings on Sunday 26 September we will grill some burgers (veggie option available) and do some bouncing (not at the same time).

Our Morning Gathering is at 11am (in church, on Facebook, in garden and in Family Centre) alongside our Family Gathering (in the hall) before we head out to the garden and carpark for food, chats and bouncing. There is no need to book in advance.

We would love you to join us.

Day of Prayer

Go before us, O Lord, in this and all our doings…

As we enter a new season we are setting a day aside to pray.

The church will be open from 7am and throughout the day there will scrolling prayers on the screens as well as prayer prompts in the garden and on Facebook.

We’ll be focussing our prayers on our parish in the morning. Asking God to recalibrate us for what is ahead.

In the afternoon, we will pray for our world.

Prayer Ministry will be available for anyone who wants prayer for themselves, their families or a situation from 10 to 11am and 7 to 8pm. This will all be confidential and you just need to turn up.

We will finish with a time of worship at 8pm followed by fireside chat and prayer.


Big Church Family Gathering

We want to create an opportunity for as many people as possible to gather before the summer kicks in.

Regulations dictate that this will have to be outside so it comes with the warning that it is weather dependant.

We’ll share more details about this next week but for now here are some of the plans…chip van…picnic…music…sunshine…bouncy castles…face painting…activities for all ages…an opportunity to see people and catch up.

Sounds good, doesn’t it? Keep the date free.

Xperience! Team 2021

The Belvoir Parish Xperience! Team is an opportunity to experience, learn and get involved in the wider mission and ministry of the church for those aged 16-20 years old (but no limit really).

It starts on Thursday 27 May and runs every week until Thursday 24 June 2021 from 10am to 4pm.

Outline of day

10-12:30 Session 1

12:30 – 1:30 Lunch together (Bring a pack lunch)

1:30 – 4 Session 2

Each session will be led by a member of the Belvoir Parish Team and there will be huge variety in what you can get involved in from gardening, the bike workshop, event planning, lunch bunch, clearing, walking, admin, set up and more.

Fill in this form to register for the team or email with any questions.

Belvoir App

Did you know we have a Belvoir App? It’s a great way to access all the Belvoir Parish Video Content.

The “Belvoir Parish App” is a new addition to our line up. This is a really simple way to access all of the video and online content from your phone, tablet or computer. You don’t need to go to a “store” to get it.

Instructions of how to download it:
1. Click the link
2. On Android tap the 3 vertical dots at top right, then from the drop-down menu, select “Add to Home Screen” or on iOS tap the Share button (a square with upwards-arrow), then select “Add to Home Screen”.


Our 24 hour PhoneLine is updated weekly (usually on a Monday morning) with new content of the weeks news, bible reading, devotional thought and prayer.

Calls are charged at local rate.