Welcome! There is a wide variety of ministries at Belvoir Parish – something for everyone we hope. Please come along and join us!
It may feel a little strange and intimidating going to Church for the first time, if it’s been awhile or you are new to the area. We want you to be able to relax and feel welcome and able to participate as you choose.
To make it easier, this page gives you some idea of what to expect at Belvoir Parish on a Sunday morning.
Where is the Belvoir Parish? Our church is at 21 Dunseverick Avenue and is easily visible from the outer ring(A55) that runs between Forestside Shopping Centre and Milltown, almost across from Newtownbreda Tescos.
Where can I park? Either in the church carpark or street parking.
What time should I arrive? We have a relaxed atmosphere in church and the service usually starts around 11am.
What should I wear? What you wear is entirely up to you. You will see people in dresses and suits and you will see people in casual clothes.
What to expect when you arrive at Belvoir? When you enter the church there will be someone to greet you, offer you a cuppa and give you an order of service. The Service Sheet will provide all the information to guide you through the service. You can sit anywhere you would like. Our services last around 60 minutes. After the service you are invited to join us for tea and coffee in the family centre. Occasionally there are cake sales and other charity events after the service.
When do I stand, sit or kneel? Generally we stand when we sing, praise, or read the Gospel; we sit during all other Bible readings and during the Sermon; and we sit or kneel to pray.
Can I bring my kids? Certainly! There is Sunday School for primary age children, Youth Group for 1st – 4th years, and crèche for younger ones. Crèche is open before the service in the family centre, while Sunday School and Youth Group leave part way through the service for their activities.
Will I be asked to give money? There will be a collection, but don’t feel embarrassed to pass the plate on without putting anything in it. Many Church members contribute directly through their bank accounts so you won’t be the only one passing it on.
Are people welcome who are not members of the Church of Ireland? We welcome all people from any denomination or background seeking answers to the real questions of life.
Who is the leader of Belvoir Parish? Emma Rutherford is the Rector of Belvoir Parish Church.
How are the affairs of Belvoir Parish governed? A Management Committee, called the Select Vestry has responsibility of furnishing, finance and fabrication. The Select Vestry consists of 16 members of whom 14 are elected annually and 2 appointed by the Rector. They are elected every Easter. Every registered member of the church has a vote.
How do I register as a member of Belvoir Parish? If you would like to register as a member of Belvoir Parish – Registration forms are available in the foyer, from a Church Warden or the Parish office.
I would like to become more involved with Belvoir. What should I do?
See the What’s on page for more information one the different ministry groups that meet regularly and sign up to the Newsletter here. Also you chat to a member of the clergy if you are interested in volunteering.
We look forward to seeing you at Belvoir!