Scattered Together

What is Scattered Together?

 “as salt is scattered”

As a large congregation we have built our sense of community and faith around being together on Sunday mornings for breakfast, worship, prayer, Bible study, catching up, music, art, flowers, inter-generational connecting, and welcoming newcomers.  What a lot to try to fit into one morning every week?

We may have to break some of this down into smaller chunks for a while, or perhaps wait for a future moment.  But Jesus talked often about us being a community that is scattered and dispersed as well as gathered.  We may be in a season for dispersed church.

On Sundays we will be able to worship together without necessarily being together.  Our tech team has come up with some great stuff which will improve as we get the hang of its potential.

This Sunday we will start at 11am on the dot.  There is a shock for some of you!!!!  Don’t worry, it can be watched later.  There is a button above and below that will take you to it.  We will take a half hour to read the Bible, listen to some music, pray together, think together about what God may be saying to us and catch up on news and things that we can do.  It will seem strange because it will be from our empty building.  More than ever, we need to be church that is people, people dispersed rather than people gathered.

There will be opportunity on your screen to engage in commenting, asking for prayer or praying.

I am nervous about all of this, but we are still going to give it a go.

We will be trying to get a script of Scattered Together to as many people as possible who are not online, so they can join in as well.  Other ways of joining in may become possible in time.

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