Vacancy Process

The Process

There are a number of stages to the process for a church to appoint a new rector that need to be followed.

The Checks Phase

The first thing that needs to happen is the diocese need to know that we can afford to pay a rector at the set rate and that we can provide housing that fits the set criteria. This involves form filling, representatives meeting with vestry, architects inspecting the rectory and other various types of information gathering.

At the end of this phase a committee review the information and agree that we meet the criteria or decide we don’t.

We don’t anticipate any issues with us meeting the criteria but the biggest unknown is what work they will deem essential to ensure the rectory meets the criteria.

The Council Phase

If the committee agree that we have passed their checks they will recommend to Diocesan Council (the “select vestry” of the diocese) and they will give permission for a Board of Nomination to be called.

The Board of Nomination Phase

At this point a Board of Nomination will be called. This is made up by four people from Belvoir (the parochial nominators), four members of clergy from the diocese, one lay person from the diocese and is chaired by the bishop. Belvoir’s representatives were elected at last years AGM and are Eric Hudson, Roly McKane, Sandi Thompson and Lisette Watson.

This phase involves receiving applications, visiting clergy in other churches, meeting with people of interest and ends with a vote to appoint a rector. If the board fail to agree on a new rector, it falls to the bishop to make the appointment.


This is not a speedy process but we are hoping that we will be able to appoint before the summer. We will endeavour to keep everyone up to date with where things are at (as much as we know and are allowed to share).

Please do pray for all of those involved in any way through this process that they will know, and be obedient to, God’s leading and prompting.

Alongside this process the mission and ministry of the church continues…

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