Xperience! Team 2021

The Belvoir Parish Xperience! Team is an opportunity to experience, learn and get involved in the wider mission and ministry of the church for those aged 16-20 years old (but no limit really).

It starts on Thursday 27 May and runs every week until Thursday 24 June 2021 from 10am to 4pm.

Outline of day

10-12:30 Session 1

12:30 – 1:30 Lunch together (Bring a pack lunch)

1:30 – 4 Session 2

Each session will be led by a member of the Belvoir Parish Team and there will be huge variety in what you can get involved in from gardening, the bike workshop, event planning, lunch bunch, clearing, walking, admin, set up and more.

Fill in this form to register for the team or email paul@belvoirparish.co.uk with any questions.

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